Thursday, March 8, 2018

HOME Buyers…Ever hear the word, it’s a “SLEEPER” used in real estate?
It is something you should be looking for and not only focusing on the new listings coming onto the market.
It’s a good quality home that's for sale, whose value goes unnoticed for some time, before everyone realizes it's worth.  A missed opportunity that is right in front of you.  It often might be due to seller starting too high when first listed so it may have long days on the market which people assume there is something wrong with the home when there is not or was under contract and contract failed to no fault of the home. The sellers are often readier to sell and will be open to a lower offer than listing price as compared to a home seller who’s home just went onto the market.
From our experience those are often the best buys on the market  which are right in front of you and you are not seeing it.  First call your buyer’s agent or if you do not one call: 
Vikki or Brandi at MEYBOHM Real Estate, 803-702-4090 and start looking for a “SLEEPER”.

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