Wednesday, November 20, 2019

$50,000 Exemption - Real Estate Tax Savings for Homeowners in Aiken Coun...

Another big SC real estate tax savings in Aiken County is
called the Homestead Exemption.  Hi I am
Vikki Crossland of Meybohm Real Estate and this is my partner Brandi Cook.
This exemption saves you $50,000 off your fair market
value of your legal residence.   To
qualify for this exemption, you need to be of age 65 or older, or totally
disabled or legally blind and lived in SC for at least one year as of Dec. 31st,.
 You can obtain application at the county
Auditor’s office.

If you have served…certain military veterans that are
100% disabled that was service connected; as well as a surviving spouse, which
can include our law enforcement, firefighters and more, maybe exempt from
property taxes entirety. This application needs to be made through the SC Dept.
of Revenue. Search or Google the form called SC Property TAX Exemption
Application for Individuals.
For further questions on real estate of any of our videos
topics give us call.  We want to be your
trusted real estate team.

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