Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Charities Spotlight: FOTAS (Friends Of The Animal Shelter) Aiken, SC

This week Vikki sits down with some furry friends (who are available for adoption!) and Kathy Jacobs, the Programs Coordinator at FOTAS to chat about some challenges the shelter faces (especially in the summer months) and how we, and you can help. This non-profit is near and dear to our hearts and does fantastic work for the homeless animals in our community. To learn more about adopting, volunteering, fostering or donating visit:

Vikki Crossland and Brandi Cook Meybohm Real Estate

#thesearchisover #aikenhomesteam #meybohmrealestate #theplacetobe #FOTASaiken #fotas #animalshelter #adopt #volunteer #foster #donate #furfriends #companions #aikensc #friendsoftheanimalshelter #nonprofitspotlight #weeklyvideo #vikkiandbrandi #yourhomeyourlifestyleyourteam

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