Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Aiken SC Homes | 7 Tips When Remodeling

We saw this online report for 2023 return on investment on remodeling projects; it had some interesting and surprising data.  


Check out some of the data:

Garage Doors  99%

Window Replacement-Vinyl     71%

Wood Deck Addition    46%

Adding Faux Stone      108%

Composite Deck Addition        38%

Minor Kitchen Remodel- Midrange      79%

UPSCALE Primary Suite Addition        20%

Bath Remodel-Midrange          64%

Data source:  2023 Remodeling Cost vs. Value Report-South Atlantic


We have 7 tips that can save you money and stress if you are considering a remodeling project.


#1   Write Your Vision

Write down in detail your remodeling vision with a complete list the products, fixtures and finishes you want.


#2   Cost Saving

Trade the savings on lower-priced items for the ability to afford higher-priced items you deem more desirable to YOU. Here is an Example. If you’d like to spend on a “focal” or more prominent light fixture you love, why don’t you select more modest fixtures for hallways, laundry room, garage? Or maybe not the most expensive counter tops for your kitchen but counter tops that still give you an awesome look but about 10-20% less in price.


#3   May Sell

Do not go wild on items that are costly to change out if you want a better return on investment.

What the most personalized home feature you ever seen?  For me it was custom purple counter tops in the kitchen including flooring and wall color…they really liked the color purple.


#5   Interview Contractors

Getting a couple estimates on the exact same work, make sure to compare apples to apples.

Sometimes the lowest price does not mean it is the best contractor for you. Ask for references or to see their work.


#6   Verify

Verify your contractor is truly licensed in the field of work they will be doing for you.  Also, that they have proper insurances and are bonded. This is important, we could tell stories on this topic alone.


#7   Think Hyperlocal

Get your estimates for projects and talk with an experienced local real-state professional about home values in the neighborhood and what YOUR ROI might be.  No matter what your return on the investment maybe you still may want to proceed forward BUT IT’S BEST TO BE WELL-INFORMED. 


Thinking of selling a property? We would love to let our knowledge go to work for you. It’s a big decision, we know. We’re to help!


Brandi Cook + Vikki Crossland

803.645.3325 |

Meybohm Real Estate


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