Wednesday, October 18, 2023

South Carolina Adopt-A-Stream | Aiken, SC

What is Adopt-A-Stream?

You all have heard of “Adopt-A-Highway” to clean up trash along roadsides to keep your community beautiful?  BTW… Aiken Homes Team has adopted a highway, maybe this might be our next project?

This is kind of same idea but we become stewards of our beautiful waterways instead. South Carolina has so many waterways, from freshwater streams to saltwater marshes. If you are interested in protecting the health of our water and love to be outdoors, you are in the right place!


South Carolina Adopt-A-Stream (SC AAS) provides the opportunity for those interested in the protection and improved management of South Carolina waterways to be directly involved in their monitoring and reporting. Volunteers provide vital data for streams that complements local and state data used to determine the health of our waterways.


To be involved you need to take a training course:

There are three training options:


  • Freshwater stream habitat assessment with freshwater monitoring (test shallow streams).

·        Freshwater stream habitat assessment and macroinvertebrate surveys (find water bugs).

  • Coastal habitat assessment and tidal saltwater monitoring (monitor where the tides change).

Aaaaand coming Fall 2023: Lake monitoring for lakes larger than 5 acres.


I bet you are wondering how often you would have to monitor?

  • Assess your stream habitat once a year to see if anything changes, such as bank stability, vegetation, or buffer zones.
  • Freshwater stream monitoring is done monthly, measuring air temperature, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, transparency, and bacteria. Bacteria monitoring looks specifically at E. coli levels in water.
  • Macroinvertebrate surveys are done twice per year. These surveys record the diversity and abundance of aquatic insects found in the water.
  • Tidal Saltwater Monitoring is done monthly, measuring air temperature, water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and transparency. You can also join a sister program called NOAA’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network to sample for harmful algal blooms bi-weekly.


Ready to get started?

The first step is to become a certified SC Adopt-A-Stream aka AAS volunteer by attending a FREE workshop! Volunteer trainings are available across the state of South Carolina. Follow this link for training events:


We challenge our community, organizations and businesses to work together to keep Aiken County and South Carolina beautiful. It’s not only about the trash on our roadsides we can see BUT making sure our waterways are in good health too!


A special thank you to Lauren Alston with Aiken County Engineering Department- Stormwater Division for taking the time to teach us about this wonderful program!


Brandi Cook + Vikki Crossland

803.645.3325 |

Meybohm Real Estate


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