Thursday, May 23, 2024

Latest Trends in Aiken SC Housing Market 2024

The REAL Estate Market now has 4 full months into 2024.  Are you curious how 2023 compared to 2024 sale stats? We are…we wanted to see the comparison statistically. Which year is the most active year to date? What’s your guess?


Now, let’s delve right into the data for 2024. The average sold price of a home is $345,700, and the Median home sale price is $285,000. 

Now…the 2023 stats for the same time frame. The average sold price of a home was $326,200, and the Median homes sale was $280,000. 

2024 average price is 6% higher but the Median is within 2% which is close. 2024 had 741 homes closed sold per Aiken MLS stats report. Interestingly, 2023 is 719.  That is very close, but 2024 homes closed is higher! 

New home listings for 2024 are 1,055 and 2023 it was only 897.  That means this year there is 158 more homes being listed.


More inventory on the market is good for the buyers.  Active on the market is higher too by over 200 homes. Average days on the market continue a slight upward trend to 85. This is an average for all price ranges. Some price ranges may be shorter or longer.

The average list to sell price percentage is virtually the same at 97.5-98% at the last listing price. One interesting fact we did notice is the list to sale price of original listing price is 95%.  Which means several homes started higher and then lowered their price by about 2-3%.

We cannot stress that pricing right upfront is extremely important especially when more inventory is coming onto the market.  

A REMARKABLE over $21,000,000 more sales volume in residential home sales.  

My personal observation: There is still solid demand for some homes especially in some niche properties and certain “hot” price brackets like the lower price ranged homes. Each market, price range and neighborhood are a little different; consult a trusted REALTOR® with years of experience and knowledge to discuss your specific real estate questions or goals.  


 *Aiken MLS Summary Residential Stats Data for 1.1.23-4.30.23 & 1.1.24-4.30.24  


Brandi Cook + Vikki Crossland

803.645.3325 |

Meybohm Real Estate


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